Protein list
AC: AC number in Swiss-prot
Gene: Emsembl gene ID
Trans: Emsembl transcriptor ID
Protein: Emsembl protein ID
Canonical: Emsembl canonical gene ID
ID: Swiss-prot ID
Type: 0: drug non-target proteins/ 1: drug target proteins
Set A: one indicate proteins are in set A, zero is not.
Set B: one indicate proteins are in set B, zero is not.
Set C: one indicate proteins are in set C, zero is not.
Set D: one indicate proteins are in set D, zero is not.
# paraloguos: number of paraloguos
Simple sequence properties
Tool: Pepstat
Enzyme commission number
DB: Swiss-prot
Row: AC, ID, EC1, EC2, EC3, EC4, EC5, EC6, total
Subcellular localization
DB: Swiss-prot, LOCATE, and Cell-Ploc
Tools: CELLO,Proteome Analyst, pTarget, WoLFPSORT, and MultiLoc
PEST region
Tool: epestfind
Row: AC, ID, Poor
Secondary structure
Tool: ganier
Row: AC, alpha, beta, turn, coil
Signal peptide cleavage
Tool: SignalP
Row: AC, motif, signalP
Transmembrane helices
Row: AC, # of TM
Download via PhosphositePlus
protein essentiality
DB: Georgi et al.
Row: AC, essential, non-essentiality, unknown
Gene expression level and tissue specificity
DB: Su et al.
Row: AC, expression level, tissue specificity
Solvent accessibility
Row: AC, accessibility score
GO term
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